Done With It

After several mental conversations and interactions with people, I’m done with it. I’ll be doing much research about everything from: religions Islam Hindu Judaism Etc to technological topics about pentagon darpa cia cid etc to subconscious/conscious etc to mirror veil satellites holographic insights and onto activating certain neurons, I may die (just like everyone wants) or I may not die, but since I remember my past life and know who some of the perpetrators are, I’m sure nobody cares either way.

I’ve posted enough and understand how it’s about plasmic as well as other things that I’ll keep to myself.

And since no body important reads my blogposts anyways, this post doesn’t make much of a difference.

I had no idea that people regardless of skin color or rank would be jealous of me my entire life, oh well, nothing new there either.

Go figure, an americanized middle eastern witness’s a crime being committed against him and his family and even crimes being committed against members of the elite, and still can’t catch a friggin winning anything since his witnessing,

and since my inception into this life has been screwed up anyways, its not like you are free either. You were zapped with a neurological weapon just like me myself and i