Vote of no-confidence in PM Boris Johnson to take place today

It’s the beginning of the end for PM Boris Johnson. A vote of no-confidence in PM Boris Johnson will take place this evening in Westminster between 6 pm and 8 pm local time.

Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 Committee, announced that the threshold of 54 letters of no confidence had been met.

Johnson will address the Conservative MPs at 4 pm to make a case for himself ahead of the vote.

15% of the party membership had to be met to trigger the vote. Last night, Sir Graham Brady notified PM Boris Johnson that 54 letters have been handed in and that the vote would occur.

On Sunday, in his column for The Pavlovic Today, MP Andrew Bridgen laid out the argument for the removal of Boris Johnson, and we obtained an internal memo entitled “Party Leadership” stipulating the arguments as to why Johnson lost the trust of the British people.

This morning, John Penrose, Johnson’s anti-corruption Tsar handed in his resignation letter stating that the Prime minster has broken the Ministerial Code.

Read also: MP Andrew Bridgen destroys No 10 latest narrative that those looking to remove Boris Johnson represent a threat to Brexit