Biden Signs A Condolence Book At The British Embassy In DC

President Biden and the First Lady entered the UK embassy in Washington, DC a few minutes before 6pm. British ambassador Dame Karen Pierce and her husband Charles Roxburgh greeted them.

The President walked over to the condolence book and asked if he could write a message, taking a card with notes out of his jacket pocket. “If you would like to Sir,” the UK Ambassador responded.

A photo of the Queen sat on the table with the condolence book and a flower arragment on the other side. A projector showed a picture of the Queen to the left of the table.

Biden wrote for a few minutes while the First Lady watched over and the ambassador stood to the side, behind him. The First Lady Jill Biden then sat down in the chair and appeared to sign her name.

“We mourn for all of you. She was a great lady, I’m so delighted I got to meet her,” Biden said as he walked over to embassy staff.

“Our hearts are with you,” the First Lady said.

“As my mother would say, God loves you,” Biden said and thanked the staff at the Embassy. He then walked out of the room, holding hands with the First Lady.