Sarah Jessica Parker Reveals Her Stepfather Paul Forste Died At 76

Sarah Jessica Parker (Photo: Getty Images)

Sarah Jessica Parker revealed a recent tragic family situation, which is that her beloved stepfather Paul Forste passed away at the age of 76. According to a statement from her family, Paul “was surrounded with the love and gratitude of his adored wife, Barbara, of 54 years, and children, including Sarah Jessica Parker.


They described the cause of Forste’s death as “an unexpected and rapid illness.”

Parker was only three years old when her mother got divorced and remarried to Forste. She grew up in Ohio and had seven other siblings. She said her family occasionally struggled to support them, but “for the most part, we had everything we needed. Not always, but for the most part.”

Parker was set to receive an honor at the New York City Ballet’s 10th Annual Fall Fashion Gala, but this medical situation arose suddenly and she was forced to no-show the event.

The actress had recently appeared at the Hocus Pocus 2 premiere with her twin daughters and there was seemingly little issue, so this sickness must have really come out of the blue.


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