4 Surprising Things You Can 3D Print at Home

As 3D printer costs come down, more hobbyists are getting into making objects with 3D printing technology.

Online communities and businesses make 3D printing patterns (downloadable files) available for purchase. These allow you to start printing without designing and programming yourself. Find 3D model files at sites like Thinigiverse, MyMiniFactory, Printables, Cults3D, and others.

Browse these and other sites for objects you’d like to make. Look for these four surprising things you can 3D print at home.

Coffee Cups

Go beyond the kitschy souvenirs in airport and campus stores: print your own coffee cups! Choose 3D printing filaments that’s food safe and can tolerate heat to create coffee mugs you can use at home.

Musical Instruments

From a simple ocarina to a complex Stratocaster, 3D maker sites have model files available to print musical instruments. Making a 3D printed electric guitar functional can be a challenge, but a simple wind instrument shouldn’t be so difficult.


The vintage lover in you can print a functional analog wall clock at home. Go for basic black and white, or, if the right type of printing material is available, create a clock in retro colors like baby blue or coral.

Shower Head

It looks a bit like Medusa’s hair, but a 3D printed shower head can make personal hygiene an event. The vortex shower head pattern available from Thingiverse brings a whole new experience to “lather, rinse, repeat.”

Learning 3D printing techniques takes practice, and your first efforts may not turn out perfectly. Keep at it and learn from online communities of enthusiasts. They’ll offer advice on the types of filaments and printers that work best for various projects. Soon, you’ll be designing and printing your own household objects, including surprising things you didn’t think you could 3D print at home.