How To Increase the Longevity of Your Heavy Equipment

All heavy equipment needs proper care and maintenance to stay in good working order. These pieces of machinery can be quite an investment, especially for small business owners. We all want our machinery and equipment to last as long as possible to make the investment worthwhile. Here are three ways to increase the longevity of your heavy equipment and avoid downtime.

Lubricate Equipment Regularly

Lubricating your heavy equipment is a smart habit to form. Lubricants can help heavy equipment and machinery function more smoothly and efficiently. These materials help reduce friction around moving parts, reducing wear and tear on your equipment. There are many types of lubricants on the market, and not all of them will be compatible with your heavy equipment pieces. Always reference the user’s manual for your machinery to see which lubricants the manufacturer recommends.

Inspect Machinery for Issues

Conducting regular inspections of your heavy equipment helps you identify wear and tear or condition issues early on so that you can schedule preventative maintenance. During your inspections, be sure to watch out for the various signs your heavy equipment needs maintenance. There are many signs that can point to maintenance problems, such as equipment stalling on the job or noticing leaks during inspections. When you do notice these signs, never put off repairs or maintenance visits. Using equipment that needs repairs can worsen the damage and put employees at risk.

Keep a Maintenance and Service Log

Keeping a maintenance log is especially crucial for businesses that utilize an entire fleet of heavy equipment pieces. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to remember the lubrication and maintenance history of each piece of equipment in your warehouse. Recordkeeping can help you ensure that each piece of machinery is on track with lubrication, repairs, and maintenance. The only way a service log can be helpful is if you use it consistently, so be sure to keep your records up-to-date for every piece of equipment in your warehouse.

Now that you know how to increase the longevity of your heavy equipment, you can prevent machines from breaking down during your future jobs. These steps lead to less downtime and help you efficiently use your machinery and tools.