Real Estate Is The Most Searched Investment Type This Year

Investing in real estate is the most sought after investment globally, top 10 revealed

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The Most Searched Investment Type Globally

The research reveals:

  • Real estate is the most searched investment type with over 1.16 million searches over the last 12 months, with 11 countries searching for it more than any other investment type.
  • Stocks are the second most searched investment type with 867,000 searches over the last year. This catch-all term received the second-highest number of searches suggests that many new investors are starting to learn more about how to start trading stocks.
  • Gold takes third place with 850,500 searches over the last year. This precious metal has been highly valued and sought after for as long as history has been recorded. Nowadays gold continues to be a popular choice among investors.

Further study insights:

  • NFTs saw the biggest increase in interest from investors by a whopping 268.64%. NFTs are a divisive topic for many investors. However, there are those among the crypto and blockchain enthusiasts who are keen to promote NFTs as a revolutionary way to collect art and invest your money.
  • The United States is the country that receives the most foreign direct investment, with an FDI inflow of $381.93 billion.

Tips For Making The Most Of Investment Opportunities

Louis Schoeman, Managing Director of Forex Suggest has given his top tips for making the most of investment opportunities:

1. Assess your risk tolerance

You can never be 100% certain that an asset will increase in value once you’ve bought in. Before committing to an investment, an investor will have to weigh the risks against the potential rewards, with each investor having their own personal threshold for the amount of risk they are comfortable with.

Once you figure out your own risk tolerance, you’ll be able to invest with much greater confidence and make the most of opportunities as they present themselves.

1. Look for trusted names

When investing in a company, consider how trusted that company name is both within the industry and among the wider public. If a company has a bad reputation for going back on deals, treating its employees or customers unfairly, or is embroiled in scandals in the media, your investment could be sat on shaky ground.

Alternatively, investments made in companies that are widely respected and well-liked are less likely to lose their value due to misconduct by staff and business leaders.

1. Diversify your investments

While knowing your risk threshold is a great way of limiting the potential fallout of a bad investment, diversifying your portfolio is another great strategy for reducing risk.

By investing in a wide range of companies from different industries and sectors, as well as investing in competing companies, any disaster within a single company or industry is going to have a less damaging impact on the rest of your investments. In other words, don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.

1. Invest in originality

Originality is one of the most valuable qualities an asset can have. To find investment options with the most originality, consider looking for companies that are at the cutting edge of their field, pushing the boundaries of technology or creating solutions to problems that are as yet unsolved.

Essentially, if a company is doing something of value that nobody else has managed to mimic, then you may well be on to a winner.

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