Mother’s Day is this weekend, May 14. In preparation for the momentous day, Ford has released a new video of the 2024 Ford Mustang showcasing the mighty Vaughn Gittin Jr‘s mother, who takes the wheel of the latest pony car to practice the thrilling endeavor known as drifting. Ford says there’s no better gift than Drift, but that’ll be hard to gift since the car isn’t in production yet. Though, we can show our moms the video over brunch.

S650 Mustang Will Drift Around Your Mom

Vaughn Gittin Jr. is known as a professional drifter and even helped develop the new S650 Ford Mustang and the new electronic drift brake, enabling professionals or beginners to swing out the back end around some corners on a track, of course. That said, Dawn, Gittin Jr.’s mom, isn’t a professional, though she can learn the magic of power sliding the car on an empty track. Dawn was also shown how epic the launch control for the vehicle is with the help of Mustang chief engineer Laurie Transou and her daughter Claire. With three simple touches on the center display, the car’s ready to give the driver and passengers some welcomed whiplash.

The 2024 Ford Mustang also has other fun features that take the thrill of owning a pony car to another level. For example, the line lock holds the car’s front brakes, enabling the driver to spin the rear tires and burn some rubber. Though it’s less useful than the performance enhancements that make driving the car even more enjoyable, it’s hard to pass up the opportunity to do a burnout, especially when the manufacturer makes it a feature.

Now, you can buy a 2024 Ford Mustang under the guise of getting it for your mom to do donuts on the track. Since the new Mustang isn’t yet available, passing it off as a drift gift will be difficult. We suspect the car to go on sale this summer, and with Ford doing quality checks to ensure the car won’t be at the dealership facing recalls, it’ll be well worth the wait. For now, Happy Mother’s Day, especially to all the moms that helped fuel our car enthusiasm.

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