
【Here it comes, the FULL card of TAG!】#港摔 #TagOfGlory 2024 大會,比賽戲碼公佈!一輪商議及錦標賽抽籤後,Tag of Glory 2024 Day 1 的賽程終於落實。觀眾將首先會見到自去年9月起因傷缺賽,日前終於傷癒復出的 King Michael 再次登上擂台、神話的正式終結、團戰「正義撚」VS「丐幫」與「Mask of Destiny (M.O.D)」VS「Natural Vibes」、The Man Bros 再遇中國選手等。After a round of deliberations and the draw for the tournament, the final cards for #HKWF Tag of Glory Day 1 are here!First, you will see King Michael, who has been absent from the ring due to injury since the Valley Rumble in September; The Final Showdown of #TheMyth; tons of team battles Excelsior VS The Beggars’ Gang, Mask of Destiny (M.O.D) VS Natural Vibes, as well as The Man Bros meetsConfront the team from CN-Pro again.而當日壓軸賽事,是在10月大會上關係複雜的 BitMan & Mikey Man 再度決戰 #AWGC輕量級王者Ricky Marvin 以及他的傳奇拍檔 SUPER CRAZY!!!The MAIN course of the day, is the complicated story since October (#IYKYK) between BitMan & Mikey Man against #AWGC Jr.Heavyweight champion Ricky Marvin and his legendary tag team partner SUPER CRAZY!!!很想看吧,why wait any longer?Ticket here! (Link in bio)Match 0 – 【Special Single Match】The Coolie VS Se7en (from The Beggars’ Gang)Match 1 – 【Special Tag Team Match – OWEN’s redemption (3/5)】King Michael & The Chan VS OWEN & KC WongMatch 2 – 【Special Single Match – The End of Myth 神話終結賽】Madness VS Dai Ten Z 大天ZMatch 3 – 【Tag of Glory Tournament Round 1】Mr.Asthme & Michael Su VS I.I. & Fat Cat SiakiMatch 4 – 【Tag of Glory Tournament Round 1】Jason Lee & Big Boss Shimizu VS Android 28 人造人28號 & VoodooMatch 5 – 【Tag of Glory Tournament Round 1】Jeff man & Kevin man VS 陳鵬威 & 馮堅朗MAIN Event @Day 1 -【Tag of Glory Tournament Round 1】Bitman & Mikey Man VS Ricky Marvin & Super Crazy————————————活動資訊:Event Information:【Tag of Glory 2024 雙打摔角之王2024】演出日期 Date: 2 – 3/02/2024演出時間 Show Time: 19:30入場時間 Entrance Time: 19:00演出地點 Venue: 柴灣 青年廣場2樓 Y劇場 @youthsquareY Studio, 2/F Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, HK票價 Ticket: Zone A $350 / Zone B $300 (兩區均不設劃位 Free seat for both Zone)