Is Senator Tim Scott Trump's VP?

At the time candidate Mike Pence believed there was a chance for him to win the Republican primaries and become the 2024 presidential nominee, one name that kept being mentioned in his circles was Senator Tim Scott. A source in the Pence campaign told The Pavlovic Today back then that if Pence went to the very end, he would be running against President Biden with Tim Scott, a 2024 candidate himself, as his VP.

Today, the news has been confirmed that Senator Tim Scott is endorsing none other than Donald Trump at a rally on Friday night in New Hampshire. Is Tim Scott Trump’s VP?

If so, it would make sense for the Republicans as well as for Trump. According to the recent polls, Biden has been falling short with some of the Black vote, and recognizing the significance of the Black vote in the 2024 election is something that Trump could try to capitalize on. Especially in the context of the accusations of racism being thorwn at him, Senator Tim Scott could be a strategic choice for Trump.

In endorsing Trump ahead of New Hampshire, Sen. Scott delivers a significant blow to Nikki Haley, knocking her out of the park and dashing her high expectations in the Granite State.

Now, the former President said on Fox News town hall in Iowa that he already knew to whom he would be offering a VP role. Tim Scott may just fit the bill.