Tim Scott Joins The Trump MAGA Train In New Hampshire

Tonight in New Hampshire, Senator Tim Scott has endorsed Donald Trump’s candidacy for President of the United States.

“We need a president who will unite our country,” Scott said. “We need Donald Trump,” Scott told the crowd at the Trump rally. “We need a president who will protect your Social Security and my momma’s Social Security. We need Donald Trump. We need a president today who will stop the crime and recklessness in the streets,” he made the case for Trump.

Scott’s endorsement dealt a significant blow to Nikki Haley, who harbored high hopes for the Republican presidential nomination. According to the Suffolk University/NBC10 Boston/Boston Globe tracking poll, Trump maintains a double-digit lead over Haley and DeSantis in New Hampshire.

Currently, Trump stands at 52%, two points higher than his polling in the first two days of the poll. Haley is two points behind at 35%.

During the rally, Trump reiterated his standard remarks, emphasizing that he won’t allow his supporters to be silenced and asserting himself as the only candidate who can “save” the nation.