Leader Jeffries Highlights Black Americans' Historic Role In Shaping America's Future, Encourages Voter Participation For All

February 1st marks the beginning of Black History Month, a nationwide celebration of the accomplishments of African Americans. During the weekly press conference, Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries was asked by The Pavlovic Today regarding his message to Black Americans on this occasion and leading up to the South Carolina primary.

We have been an important part of the American story and that will continue.

Hakeem Jeffries

“In respect to Black History Month let me simply just say, Black history is American history going all the way back to 1619,” Leader Jeffries began. “ We have been an important part of the American story and that will continue.”

In response to the question about his message to Black voters ahead of the South Carolina primary, the leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives said, “There’s not much that I can say about it from this podium on the governmental side.”

He continued, “But I just expect that voters in South Carolina, as has been the case in every other state, should participate. Go to the polls, exercise your right to vote, evaluate the records of all candidates, and recognize that they have the power—not just African American voters, but all voters have the power—to shape America’s future.”

Among other news highlights from his weekly press conference, Jeffries criticized Republican colleagues for engaging in “performative politics and political stunts.” He emphasized potential areas for bipartisan cooperation, such as the economy, affordable housing, public safety, national security and the challenges at the border.

“Extreme MAGA Republicans have chosen to spend the week focused on Secretary Mayorkas and Taylor Swift. That’s their agenda. It’s performative politics,” stated Jeffries.