US Military Strikes Over 85 Targets In Retaliation For Soldiers' Deaths In Jordan

The United States initiated strikes against Iran-backed militias in Iraq and Syria on Friday, marking its first retaliatory actions following the recent killing of three American soldiers in Jordan over the weekend.

According to National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, US military forces conducted strikes on over 85 targets across seven facilities.

“Our response began today. It will continue at times and places of our choosing,” President Joe Biden said in a statement. “The United States does not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world. But let all those who might seek to do us harm know this: If you harm an American, we will respond.”

This past Sunday, three American soldiers were killed in Jordan by a drone launched by militant groups backed by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). Earlier today, President Biden attended the dignified return of these courageous Americans at Dover Air Force Base and has spoken with each of their families.

House Speaker Johnson has expressed his stance on the strikes in Syria and Iraq.

“The tragic deaths of three U.S. troops in Jordan, perpetrated by Iran-backed militias, demanded a clear and forceful response,” he said. “Unfortunately, the administration waited for a week and telegraphed to the world, including to Iran, the nature of our response. The public handwringing and excessive signaling undercuts our ability to put a decisive end to the barrage of attacks endured over the past few months.”

Johnson highlighted that since October, the US has weathered over 150 assaults on its forces, resulting in American casualties and substantial financial expenditure in the region.

“It is long overdue for the Biden administration to admit that its strategy of appeasing Iran has been disastrous for the international community and regional stability,” he said.

“We must stand firmly against those who would harm Americans, propagate terror, or threaten our allies.Now is the time for President Biden to wake up to the reality that his policy of placating Iran has failed,” he said.

The speaker added, “to promote peace, America must project strength.”