Zero Tolerance For Hate And Harassment In New York Public Schools

New York City Public Schools (NYPS) understand the hate and harassment spurred from the conflict in the Middle East and have committed to enacting a plan which will create a safe, supportive, and respectful learning environment for all students. After incidents of antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other safety concerns, the district will implement a comprehensive plan focused around education, safety, and engagement.

“Let me be clear: we have zero tolerance for any form of bigotry or hate,” said Schools Chancellor David C. Banks.

The Schools Chancellor mentioned a recent incident at Hillcrest High School in November, where a pro-Israeli teacher was a target of a school protest. The Jewish teacher changed her social media profile picture to one where she was holding up an “I Stand With Israel” sign. The teacher had been targeted for her backing of Israel, which Banks considered “completely unacceptable.” Upon her return to work, she was met with support from Muslim students and teachers.

“That was Muslim students who embraced her, and a Muslim teacher stood in her classroom alongside her signaling, we are with you,” said Banks.

The NYPS plan will provide training and support for their educators. In Spring, there will be a dedicated professional learning-focused program for principals, which will address navigating difficult conversations with students. The information that will be learned through the program will be later turnkeyed from the school leaders to the remaining staff.

The plan also aims to expand instructional resources and materials to mitigate Islamophobia and antisemitism, with the help from the interfaith community, in hopes that it will assist with facilitating conversations surrounding difficult topics. The NYPS has spent the last two months building up their interfaith community, which consists of faith leaders from across New York City.

The NYPS will also be updating diversity training for staff focused around antisemitism and Islamophobia, which plans to equip educators with the tools that will help foster a welcoming school environment.

“Nothing is more important to school leaders than the safety and well-being of their students and staff. We applaud the Chancellor and his team for developing this thorough plan to combat bigotry in our schools, for authentically revisiting the discipline code, and for providing additional resources focused on antisemitism and Islamophobia. We look forward to our continued partnership to keep our schools safe and cultivate respect and inclusion across our entire public school system,” said Henry D. Rubio, President of the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators.

As the comprehensive plan’s goal is to create a safe school environment, it will reexamine and clarify the district’s approach to discipline. The Department of Education Press Office outlined that the NYCPS Discipline Code is “clear”; actions that are considered bullying or bigotry are to be met with distinctive consequences stipulated in the code.

NYPS will also prioritize investigations into antisemitism and Islamophobia allegations through the Office of Equal Opportunity, as they believe that no child or educator should be a victim of bullying or harassment in a NYCPS building.

“Now more than ever, Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim youth need social and emotional support along with their Jewish and BIPOC peers who can’t make sense of what is happening in our world. I commend Chancellor Banks on his leadership in this moment,” said Dr. Debbie Almontaser, Founder & CEO, Bridging Cultures Group.

“Our children are the future, and we have the responsibility to nurture a generation that is not only well-educated but also empathetic and respectful of diversity,” said Banks.