House Republican Leadership Rejects Senate Border Bill: America’s Sovereignty Is At Stake

House Republicans, led by Speaker Johnson and other leading members of the Republican Party including Leader Scalise, Whip Emmer, and Chairwoman Stefanik, have staunchly opposed the Senate’s immigration bill, asserting it would compromise America’s sovereignty and exacerbate the ongoing border crisis.

“House Republicans oppose the Senate immigration bill because it fails in every policy area needed to secure our border and would actually incentivize more illegal immigration,” stated the House Republican leadership on Monday.

In a collective statement, the House Republican leadership highlighted various concerns with the Senate bill, emphasizing its failure to address crucial aspects of border security and immigration reform.

“Among its many flaws, the bill expands work authorizations for illegal aliens while failing to include critical asylum reforms. Even worse, its language allowing illegals to be ‘released from physical custody’ would effectively endorse the Biden ‘catch and release’ policy,” asserted the House Republican leadership.

Additionally, the House Republicans criticized the bill’s purported “shutdown” authority, which they deemed ineffective due to loopholes granting excessive discretionary power to Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. They also raised concerns about inadequate measures to curb the President’s abuse of parole authority and the allocation of taxpayer funds for housing illegal immigrants in hotels through the FEMA Shelter and Services Program.

“Because President Biden has refused to utilize his broad executive authority to end the border catastrophe that he has created, the House led nine months ago with the passage of the Secure the Border Act (H.R. 2). That bill contains the necessary components to actually stem the flow of illegals and end the present crisis. The Senate must take it up immediately,” the added.

“America’s sovereignty is at stake,” House Republicans cautioned. “Any consideration of this Senate bill in its current form is a waste of time. It is DEAD on arrival in the House. We encourage the US Senate to reject it.”