Inside Secretary Blinken's Agenda in Albania: A Comprehensive Overview

Secretary of State Antony Blinken embarked on a diplomatic trip today, setting course for Albania. The visit, extending from the Thursday’s early hours of approximately 11:00 in the morning until 7:00 or 8:00 in the evening, is poised to delve deep into the future trajectory of Albania and the broader Western Balkans region, alongside the evolving landscape of Europe as a unified entity.

This trip marks the onset of the second century of US-Albania relations. Secretary Blinken extended gratitude towards Prime Minister Eli Rama and Albania for their instrumental co-penmanship on the UN Security Council from 2022 to 2023, followed by their ongoing stewardship on the Human Rights Council.

The visit seeks to underscore the resilient partnership between the United States and Albania, notably recognizing Albania’s enduring tradition of providing sanctuary to those in distress, epitomized by their reception of Afghan evacuees.

Secretary Blinken’s agenda brims with engagements, including high-level discussions with President Begaj and Prime Minister Rama. While not strictly adhering to chronological order, the itinerary features a bilateral tête-à-tête with the prime minister, culminating in a joint press availability session.

Amidst these diplomatic pursuits, Secretary Blinken is slated to engage in a dialogue with approximately 100 young participants of various US exchange initiatives, such as Fulbright and IVLP. This assembly carries profound symbolic weight, taking place at the Pyramid, a monument steeped in history.

Initially erected as a mausoleum honoring dictator Enver Hoxha during Albania’s communist era, the Pyramid has undergone a metamorphic journey, emerging as a dynamic center for technology and entrepreneurship through collaborative endeavors between Tirana and the Albanian-American Development Foundation.