Amy Schumer Opens Up About Endometriosis

Amy Schumer responded to criticisms of her puffy face on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” on social media. The actress and comedian posted on Instagram on Thursday a statement advertising her new TV show on Hulu called “Life and Beth” and addressing her appearance during her interview with Fallon.

After promoting the midnight release of her show in an Instagram caption, she wrote: “Thank you so much for everyone’s input about my face! I’ve enjoyed feedback and deliberation about my appearance as all women do for almost 20 years.”

Schumer proceeded to share with her followers that she has an autoimmune disease called endometriosis, which is why her face appeared to be puffier than normal, and explained that there are “medical and hormonal things going on in my world right now,” but regardless, the actress and comedian is “okay.”

She encouraged every woman to read about endometriosis.

“Historically women’s bodies have barely been studied medically compared to men. The book “all in her head” does a good job explaining this,” said Schumer on Instagram.

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. In 2021, Schumer underwent a hysterectomy and an appendectomy to treat her Endometriosis.

“I also believe a woman doesn’t need any excuse for her physical appearance and owes no explanation. But I wanted to take the opportunity to advocate for self love and acceptance of the skin you’re in. Like every other women/person some days I feel confident and good as hell and others I want to put a bag over my head. But I feel strong and beautiful and so proud of this tv show I created. Wrote. Starred in and directed,” said Schumer on Instagram.

Schumer finished off her statement hoping that people would focus on her new show instead of her appearance.

“I hope you enjoy life and Beth. Love and solidarity. Amy,” said Schumer.