Grant Cardone's Wife Spearheads Fundraiser To Aid Trump In Legal Battle

The wife of Undercover Billionaire Grant Cardone launched a GoFundMe for Trump after the New York verdict ordering the former president to pay nearly $355 million on Friday. Elena Cardone created the GoFundMe to seek donations in support of Trump’s legal fees, as she considers the decision “unprecedented and unfair” treatment.

“The recent legal battles he faces are not just an attack on him, but an attack on the very ideals of fairness and due process that every American deserves. It’s a moment that calls into question the balance of justice and the application of law, disproportionately aimed at silencing a voice that has been at the forefront of advocating for American strength, prosperity, and security,” said Cardone on the GoFundMe page.

The verdict also barred Trump from practicing business in New York, and this elicited concern from Cardone. She believes that standing with Trump is a stand with every business owner and entrepreneur.

“The fact that a business owner did a loan with a bank, never defaulted, nor missed a payment, pays back the loan with interest and caused no financial damage to anyone, yet, the government overreaches and slaps a business owner with a $355M ruling should terrify all business owners and entrepreneurs,” said Cardone on the GoFundMe page.

Cardone’s husband went to X to promote his wife’s GoFundMe page.

“If everyone who voted for Donald J. Trump donated $5, he could fund the entire judgment and send a message to all corrupt judges around the country that Americans stand together when it comes to this kind of injustice,” said Grant Cardone on X.

Cardone notes on the GoFundMe page that this is more than a legal fund, and instead, it is “a call to all business owners and entrepreneurs to rally.”

“This fundraiser, therefore, is not merely about raising the ‘ruling’ amount. It’s about making a stand. It’s about showing that when one of us is targeted for championing the values that make America great, he does not stand alone,” said Cardone. “We stand with him, shoulder to shoulder, ready to support, defend, and fight back against a system that threatens to undermine the very foundations of our republic.”

The campaign so far has raised close to $150,000 but the readers have added content saying that GoFundMe does not allow campaigns for legal costs involving financial and violent crimes.