The Newark Advertiser asked people how they would like to see St Marks Place, Newark redeveloped

In its weekly voxpop, the Advertiser found out what redevelopment people would like to see at St Marks Place in Newark.

From increased green spaces and better shops to activity centres for children, options varied, however, others shared their satisfaction with the area’s current state.

This follows, Newark and Sherwood District Council having agreed to the funding of up to £145,000 for the feasibility study for St Marks Place in Newark.

The potential redevelopment of the shopping centre, which makes up one third of the retail space in the town centre, was discussed after it was previously identified as a prime target for investment, although much of the details remain exempt from the public.

“The former M&S area would make a really nice park for the children rather than flats and houses that perhaps none of the local people will be able to afford,” said Hazel Harrison.

She added: “I am thinking of one of these places that has got a lot of activities for children, where mums can sit down and have a coffee and they can go on bouncing castles and that.

“What else can you do to convince people to open a shop here when it is so expensive?”

Julie Marks said: “I would say get the shops filled first. We need bigger names in the town and we need more green space.”

Shane Barthorpe said: “The council is wasting money instead of investing it in things for the children, maybe use the Wilko building and make it a playcentre for them.”

Joe Longmayer said: “Towns are changing a lot. It would be nice to have shops where the rent and rates were cheaper because I know Newark is very expensive.

“Maybe smaller units for start-ups and independent shops. A bit of green space for people to sit and enjoy.”

David Roach said: “I think they should put a roof on top of it and create some sort of shopping centre.

“It would be like Vic Centre or Broad Marsh in Nottingham.”

The revenue budget of up to £145,000 from the Change Management Reserve will pay for due diligence work, including detailed building surveys, a red book valuation, legal checks, commercial agent support, and the commissioning of architects.

Claire Brocklebank said: “I would like to see M&S back in the town but that isn’t going to happen.

“I think they should invest in independent and local businesses rather than national big chains.

“It is difficult because they are all small units apart from Wilko. Most people say primark and that it would regenerate the town, so maybe.”

The move is part of a wider town masterplan submitted by the council to government, showing significant investment in the town centre, from the improvement of physical spaces, to operational management.

The Advertiser now ask its readers — How you would like to see St Marks Place redeveloped?