King Charles' Monarchy Remains 'Thin on the Ground' as Monarch Leaves 'Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie Upset' by Snub

King Charles reportedly 'snubbed' Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.MEGA

Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie are not pleased with their ailing uncle, King Charles III. Their Royal Highnesses are reported to be upset with the monarch for not asking them to fulfill royal engagements during his and Kate, Princess of Wales' battles with cancer.

"They are very upset to have been ignored by the king as they feel they have a lot to offer, but they're not surprised," a friend of the York royals told an outlet. "They are sanguine about it."

The York princesses have long been championed as 'senior, Sovereign Grant-material working royals.'MEGA

"It seems mean that the girls aren’t being used at all when they have made it clear they want to be of service, especially when Prince Andrew has been accepted back into the fold," they added. "They have done nothing wrong and they shouldn’t be visited with the sins of their father."

Another confidant of the royal family as a whole spilled: "Charles is very fond of the York girls but everyone, including them, accepts there is no place for them to be full-time working royals. And as the late Queen Elizabeth made clear, being a part-time working royal isn’t an option."

The princesses are fully styled and titled members of the monarchy but have never been asked, either by the late Queen or King Charles, to become senior working royals. This is despite Beatrice, along with her husband, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, and their daughter Sienna, living in a four-bedroom apartment in St James Palace. That ancient fortress is the senior and official seat of the British monarchy, which places the elder York princess at the epicenter of the entire institution.

Rufus Sewell as Prince Andrew and Colin Wells as Jeffrey Epstein in Netflix's 'Scoop.'PETER MOUNTAIN/NETFLIX

This news comes amid a new book that revealed how Princess Beatrice was involved in her father's"car crash interview" in late 2019.

The Duke of York sat down with journalist Emily Maitlis for BBC's Newsnight in what became the interview that saw him banished from frontline royal duties. Little did the world realize that one of the architects behind this "trainwreck exchange" was close to the disgraced Duke.

"Rammed into a tiny room in Buckingham Palace, the three Newsnighters (me, Emily and Deputy Editor Stewart) faced Andrew, Amanda and a very unexpected guest — his elder daughter, Princess Beatrice," author Sam McAlister revealed.

Princess Eugenie spends most of her time in Portugal.MEGA

Amid this new revelation, neither Beatrice nor Eugenie, who lives in Portugal with her husband, Jack Brooksbank, and their two children, are expected to be asked to take up royal duties. Charles III is said to be "determined to make his skeleton crew monarchy work," a palace aide spilled.

"A dramatic change of course now would not be helpful for anyone," a former palace courtier told a publication. "The York girls have built successful lives as private individuals."

Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie with their mother, Sarah Ferguson, in 2009. MEGA

Daily Express reported on the insider revelations.