Yannick Bolasie reacts after hearing the Premier League are deducting Everton more points

The wider footballing world is keen to offer their verdict on Everton’s latest points deduction, as the first-ever side in top-flight history to receive two in one campaign.

Whether it is by Sky Sports reporters or financial experts, there is a wealth of knowledge and opinion being spread around for open consumption.

And the interest is certainly there to go with it, with many curious to learn exactly how the Premier League and their independent commission have reached such a conclusion.

One such confused party is Yannick Bolasie, who has taken to social media to detail his frustration.

Yannick Bolasie makes scathing statement to Premier League

Taking to X, the former Everton winger, who endured an injury-ravaged spell at Goodison Park, has maintained a good rapport with Evertonians since departing in 2021.

The trickster, who was expected to spearhead Farhad Moshiri’s cash-laden revolution on Merseyside, ended up being one of his greatest failures, through no fault of anyone’s really.

Photo by Tony McArdle/Everton FC via Getty Images

It is likely this regretful disappointment which has maintained such a fine relationship between fans and the player, only strengthened by his vocal support for the club on numerous occasions.

That has not wavered here either, during the toughest moments, offering his support during the latest deduction news.

He writes: ‘Easy targets smh! but one thing that won’t change is those fans and there support….Done it for the last 2 years! They will help keep the club where they need to be.’

Everton fans must now drag the team to safety

Having taken the team on their back in previous seasons, Evertonians will once again begrudgingly have to take this group of players and propel them through what will be a tough, arduous final few games now.

After all, their spirits must remain high, as their punishment has not condemned them to the drop completely.

Far from it, in fact, as they still sit two points clear of both Nottingham Forest and Luton Town with a far superior goal difference.

Were it not for their accumulated eight-point deduction, they would be so far clear of the drop now it is laughable.

Sean Dyche has worked wonders, but has constantly been pegged back by the skeletons emerging from the club’s closet.

Photo by Alex Livesey/Getty Images

Fortunately, Everton boasts a fanbase unwilling to lie down in the face of adversity, and who should be buoyed more than ever by this ruling. Especially given the run of form enjoyed after their last deduction, which saw them win four straight Premier League matches in a row.