Security deteriorating at Russian-seized ZNPP, HUR reports

ZNPP under Russian occupation during the IAEA mission visit Sept 1-2, 2022

“Although it is on record that it was Russia that repeatedly carried out both simulated and real attacks on the plant, even after it had already been seized by Russian troops. They deployed their troops and equipment there, which is a gross violation of international law, especially in the field of nuclear law.”

Russia regularly commits crimes at the plant. They mined the territory, which is confirmed by international experts, and launched unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from the plant.

“Once again it [Russia] is repeating the provocation at the Ukrainian nuclear facility in order to accuse Ukraine. Although the whole world knows that it is the Russian invaders who are responsible for the catastrophic situation on the territory of the ZNPP,” he said, noting that Ukraine has already stated that it is not involved in any provocative actions and strikes on the territory of the Ukrainian nuclear facility and demanded immediate liberation of the plant.

Drone explosion at the ZNPP: Background

A drone exploded on the territory of the ZNPP, the IAEA said on April 7.

“IAEA experts have been informed by ZNPP that a drone detonated on site today,” the message said.

“Such detonation is consistent with IAEA observations.”

Where the drone was directed from was not reported.

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It is necessary to “refrain from actions that contradict the five IAEA principles and jeopardize nuclear safety,” IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi said.

Ukraine is not involved in any armed provocations on the territory of the ZNPP that is illegally occupied by Russia, Andriy Yusov, Ukraine’s Military Intelligence representative, emphasized.

At least three direct hits to the main protective shell of ZNPP reactor were recorded, Grossi noted.

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Section: Life

Author: Андрій Журба