Rhythmic restrictions: Chechnya sets tempo limits for music and dance

Kadyrov demands music to conform to "Chechen mentality"

The initiative came directly from the Kremlin's Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov, who instructed the local "Culture Ministry" to determine music aligning with the "Chechen mentality."

Following this "research," it was determined that the permissible tempo for all musical, vocal, and choreographic works should range between 80 and 116 beats per minute.

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As a consequence, not only did a wide array of popular music genres such as trance or techno fall under restriction, but even the Russian state anthem did, the Russian publication Meduza said.

This move has sparked discussions about the intersection of politics and culture in the region, especially as it even impacts iconic Russian songs like 'Den Pobedy' (Victory Day), which exceeds the maximum tempo limit.

Notably, the Russian national anthem, with its 76 beats per minute, also falls below the set minimum, highlighting the broad impact of this cultural policy.

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Section: Nation

Author: Владислава Топоркова