Nathan Deacon, who is a prisoner at HMP Whitemoor near March, gets sentence extended after biting off officer’s earlobe

A prisoner who bit off an officer’s earlobe following an argument about a dressing gown has had his sentence increased.

Nathan Deacon, 36, was on his way to collect his evening meal at 6.30pm on September 14 2020 at HMP Whitemoor in March.

Deacon was wearing a dressing gown, which was prohibited in the catering area.

The incident happened at HMP Whitemoor

When challenged about this, Deacon became argumentative and attempted to push past the victim. As the officer tried to restrain him, Deacon leant in and bit off his ear lobe.

The officer was taken to hospital, but it was established the ear lobe could not be re-attached.

Yesterday at Cambridge Crown Court Deacon pleaded guilty to assault causing grievous bodily harm without intent.

He was ordered to serve an additional three years in prison at the end of his current sentence.

DC Emma Purser said: “This was a vicious attack that has left the victim permanently disfigured.

“The prison officer was simply doing his job by trying to enforce the prison rules. To attack him in this way is completely unacceptable.”