Millie Bridges is doing a sponsored litter pick in Hungerfoord, Lambourn, Chilton Foliat and Kintbury each day in April to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital

MEET Millie, the amazing 12-year-old cleaning up our streets for charity.

And in all weather, too.

Millie Bridges litter picking for a month around Hungerford, Lambourn and Ramsbury

Millie, a pupil at John O’Gaunt School in Hungerford, has vowed to pick litter every single day in April in Hungerford and surrounding villages.

She is giving all the proceeds to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) for Children in London.

Millie Bridges litter picking for a month around Hungerford, Lambourn and Ramsbury

Millie explains: “I am doing a ‘30 day litter pick in April’ challenge to raise money for GOSH.

“This hospital has recently helped our family friend’s son.

“Without the specialist trained medical team and the life-saving medical equipment he wouldn’t be here today.

“With my mum with me, every day in April I will be picking up litter mostly in Hungerford but also Lambourn, Chilton Foliat, Marlborough, Ramsbury and Kintbury.

“If you feel like you can sponsor me, any amount will be greatly appreciated.

“The money raised will support research into children’s health, support for families and provide life saving medical equipment.”

Her proud mother, Josie Bridges, is an early years practitioner at Hungerford Nursery School.

She said: “It was all Millie’s idea.

“We lived in Lambourn for 11 years before moving to Hungerford and the son of a family friend from Lambourn had a heart transplant.

“He has been treated at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

“He is now doing amazingly well and on the way to recovery.”

Millie began her challenge on April 1 and will continue giving time each day for the rest of the month.

She has already collected and properly disposed of multiple bin liners full of rubbish.

One donor wrote: “Well done Millie.

“I’ve seen you out and about with your mum.

“Such a great cause and the environment is benefitting as well.”

Another said: “This is a brilliant thing to do.

“A great cause and fabulous for our community. What a great example you are.”

Millie has already raised several hundred pounds.

She is hoping that people who see her on their travels, giving up her free time, will be inspired to sponsor her, too.

If you would like to do so, go to