'Grow a spine': Ex-Trump aide urges scared officials to stand up against former boss

President Donald Trump (left) and White House chief of staff John Kelly (right). Image via Saul Loeb/AFP.

Miles Taylor, the former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, has become a kind of corraler of ex-Donald Trump officials willing to come out against him.

Speaking to MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace on Tuesday, Taylor revealed he spoke to one former Cabinet official who has not been willing to come out publicly yet but is against a second term.

The host explained that there are so many ex-Trump people who have spoken out in the past, but aren't continuing to do so loudly and often.

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"Where is everyone?" Wallace asked Taylor. "Where is everyone who knows that he's a clear and present danger?"

Taylor said that there is no historical context for such a moment, when a former president has dissent from his own team.

"That is hopefully significant enough to give Republican voters who are disaffected the air cover they need to not put this man back in the White House. But that means getting those voices actually out there. Getting them into a cohort," he said.

He said that there are so many people who have courage, but there are still many unwilling to come out publicly for fear that it will destroy their careers.

Taylor suggested bringing all of the people together who were Trump officials who are now against him on Wallace's stage and lining them up to explain why they're against him.

"But some of these folks, incredibly, are still scared," said Taylor. "They will have spoken out and then say, 'I don't know, I finally got a job, I finally got a job after two years of not being able to find a job. It's about saying to them, 'Look, this is country over party. This is a crucial moment. This is the republic, and don't worry, we have your back.' And also, for the people who haven't spoken out, the time to grow a spine is right now, and the clock is ticking."

That's when he revealed that the Cabinet official he spoke to this week is "flirting with the idea of maybe this summer. And I said, 'What are you doing waiting? You have to go now! You're already years late.' But it's not too late for the country, for you to do it. We've got to give those folks that platform and that cohort of officials so they can have the aircover to come out."

See Taylor's demands in the video below or at the link here.

'Grow a spine': Ex-Trump aide tells Cabinet official to come out against another term www.youtube.com

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