'This is a failure': James Comer asked by conservative radio host to defend impeachment

U.S. Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, attends a media event at the National Press Club on January 30, 2023 in Washington, DC. Comer outlined his committee's agenda for the upcoming Congress including his plan to investigate President Biden's son Hunter Biden and his overseas business deals. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-KY) got an earful on Fox News Radio when conservative analyst Guy Benson asked him to defend against accusations from the media on how the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden appears to be going nowhere.

Comer did his best to defend the work his committee had done — but was light on hard details or accomplishments.

“Since you mentioned this investigation, Mr. Chairman, this is not an impeachment process, this is an impeachment inquiry," said Benson. "We are trying to gather more facts. And what we get, certainly from the media and certainly from their friends in the Democratic Party is, they look at the process that you're overseeing and they say: This is embarrassing. This is a failure. There's nothing here. It's a witch hunt. It's a fishing expedition. They've got nothing and this is just an ongoing humiliation."

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"That's the narrative that they've decided to land on," he added, trying to soften things. "I know that your perspective is different. I guess the question is, have you guys made any meaningful progress since launching the inquiry that you think Americans need to see? Okay, they can yell and scream about how there's nothing here. Is there something to see here that's new?”

"Absolutely," said Comer, claiming that prior to his investigation, everyone thought "the laptop was Russian disinformation." He added that they've verified "all the emails, all the pictures that implicate Joe Biden."

Notably, Comer's committee has not in fact found any hard evidence that the president is linked to his son's international business dealings or in any way laundered improper money through them; even the GOP's own witnesses during impeachment hearings have not provided evidence of this.

Indeed, recent reports indicate that House Republicans are searching for a graceful way to end the impeachment inquiry without having to vote on articles, perhaps by making a toothless criminal referral to the Justice Department.

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