'What is this?' CNN's Jake Tapper corners Trump-supporting GOP governor over false claim

CNN screen shot from video

Gov. Chris Sununu (R-NH) went on CNN Thursday afternoon to defend former President Donald Trump's handling of abortion messaging — and received pushback from anchor Jake Tapper for uncritically promoting false claims that Democrats support abortion up to the moment of birth.

"How fearful are you about this issue hurting Republicans in November?" asked Tapper, noting that there are local New Hampshire races that could be affected.

"Well, I'll say this. I think it actually could be a bigger problem for Democrats," said Sununu. "I actually agree with the former president's position. It is now a state's issue ... there's a lot of accountability in the system. The voters can change the legislature, have ballot initiatives, whatever it might be. And that's our new reality going forward. Now, on the other side, what Biden is going to have to defend, now he has to to deal with the national question. What Trump is saying is, I'm not even going to talk about a national ban and national questions. Hey, Joe Biden, is nine months okay? Is the day up until birth okay to have an abortion? Now, Biden has to answer that."

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"What is this, what is this nine month abortion thing?" said Tapper. "I've never heard of anyone getting an abortion like one day before they're due or — Republicans talk about this all the time."

"That's the question that will be asked if—"

"But I've never heard of it happening," Tapper pressed him.

"Right," conceded Sununu. "But I'm just saying in, let's say they got they were actually to get on a debate stage. Trump will say, look, I'm leaving it to the states. Hey, Joe Biden, how many weeks is good enough for you? And now Biden, whatever that number is, he's going to have to figure out an answer for that, whereas Trump is saying, I'm deferring it back to the states ... and by the way, Republicans, horrible about the messaging on this thing, right? That's why I liked the message of, let's leave it to the states."

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Jake Tapper questions Chris Sununu on abortion www.youtube.com

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