Dermatologist reveals the golden rule for combing wet hair for minimal damage

People with curly and straight hair can’t use the same combing method and it seems, a common mistake we make when brushing damp hair can cause severe damage.

Previously, we shared the step-by-step guide to shampooing your hair the “right way”. However, you must also know how to treat your hair once it’s thoroughly washed.

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How to comb curly and straight hair when wet

Dr. Daniel Sugai says, combing is a common haircare mistake we all make by not considering the type of hair we own.

Dr. Daniel Sugai is a certified dermatologist with over seven years of experience. He completed his residency at Harvard Medical School in 2016 and is currently practicing from Bellevue in Washington State.

He’s popular for his presence on social media, where he uses his expertise to discuss a range of topics related to skin and hair care. Dr. Daniel Sugai boasts over 1.2 million followers on TikTok.

In one of his TikTok videos, while discussing skincare and haircare mistakes, the dermatologist noted that people with straight hair should never comb or brush their hair when it’s wet as it’s fragile and can break easily. You must wait for it to dry naturally or dry it with a blow drier on low heat settings first.

However, those with curly hair must do the exact opposite. The dampness acts as a natural lubricant on curly hair, so it’s best combed or brushed when wet. When curly hair is combed in its dry state, it can become frizzy and tangle easily.

Common haircare mistakes to avoid

Make sure you always comb your hair before washing it to untangle any knots to prevent breakage. Dr. Daniel Sugai has talked about more common haircare mistakes.

  • Do not blow dry your hair when it’s wet as the heat can combine with the dampness to form steam bubbles, thus damaging the hair.
  • Using a straightening iron over wet hair has a similar effect as the above. So make sure your hair is dry before using an iron over it.
  • According to the dermatologist, people with dandruff must increase the frequency of shampooing. While the recommended shampoo includes zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid, and ketoconazole, you must always let it sit on your scalp for 3-5 mins before rinsing.
  • Never use “traumatizing hair ties” that can pull your hair causing traction alopecia and hair loss. Always use soft/silk scrunchies.