Rotary Club in Newark is sending aid to people in Gaza

The Newark branch of a worldwide organisation is sending aid to the people in Gaza.

The Rotary Club of Newark will send two ShelterBoxes worth over £1,100 each.

The aim of the aid is to encourage world peace through understanding by mutual respect.

Shelterbox to be sent by Rotary Club in Newark to Gaza

Each box consists of a large green box containing items tailored to the disaster or conflict area.

In the case of Gaza, it includes a shelter kit, kitchen set, solar light, mosquito net, water carriers and filter among other items essential to life.

The green box can be used as a water tank to store water for filtration.

“The politics are not an issue here”, said Rotary president Jim Wishart.

He added: “We have all seen the devastation across Gaza, it is beyond understanding. The innocents, whoever they are, need shelter.”

The ShelterBox charity was founded by a Rotarian in Helston, Cornwall, in 2000 with the central aid of providing rapid shelter following disasters.

It has now spread throughout the world, with strong backing from Rotary clubs.

Rotary is a non-political, non-sectarian, organisation with over 1.3 million members in over 220 countries worldwide.