'Sad little man': Trump mocked online for response to Iran attack on Israel

Donald Trump addresses crowd in Sioux City, Iowa in 2016.

Donald Trump on Saturday decided to respond to the recently reported attacks by Iran on Israel, and it did not go well.

After it was reported that Iran launched more than 100 drones toward Israel, the internet looked to "MAGA" Mike Johnson, who has been withholding a bill for aid to allies Israel and Ukraine. A bipartisan pressure campaign ensued, after which there was an announcement that Israel aid would be taken up next week.

But Trump had something else on his mind when the attacks were made public.

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"ISRAEL IS UNDER ATTACK! This should never have been allowed to happen - This would NEVER have happened if I were President!" the ex-president wrote on his social media platform, Truth Social. Trump also made a post insisting President Joe Biden was forced to go to the White House based on Trump's words.

But Trump's response was skewered on social media.

Former Trump supporter Joe Walsh, a former "Tea Party" GOP lawmaker who has since left the Republican party, had this to say about the post.

"He’s such an ignorant, pathetic narcissist," he wrote. "He makes everything about him. What a sad little man he is."

Foreign policy analyst David J. Rothkopf said, "Don't let Trump or MAGA GOPers tell you they would be tougher on Iran when a.) they were the ones that enabled Iran to accelerate its nuclear program and b.) they actively support Iran's primary international backer/ally--Russia."

Jeff Timmer, a former Michigan Republican Party executive director and outspoken Trump critic, issued a correction to Trump.

"Fun Fact: Iran attacked U.S. military sites in Iraq while Trump was president," Timmer wrote.

British journalist Anthony Davis had a simple reply to Trump:

"This happened because you were President, Sir," he wrote Saturday.

Popular account Angry Staffer wrote, "Shut the f--- up about how Israel wouldn't have been attacked if Trump were president. Iran attacked US when Trump was president."

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