Relationship vlogger reveals three warning signs that suggest a girl just isn’t that into you

TikTok star Chloe Taylor has highlighted what she believes are the main warning signs that your crush may not feel as strongly about you as you do them.

One of the hardest aspects of navigating the world of relationships and dating is trying to detect whether or not the person you think could be the one feels the same way about you. And while you can never know for sure until you speak directly to someone, relationship guru Chloe Taylor has taken to TikTok to share what she describes as a few telltale signs that women often display when they’re just not that interested in you.

Chloe Taylor’s first red flag: When she calls you “bestie”

According to Taylor, the first thing that should ring alarm bells when speaking to your crush is if they repeatedly refer to you “as bestie”.

While she admits that the term can occasionally be used endearingly, overuse of the phrase should be regarded as a telltale sign that the person you have feelings for almost certainly views you in a platonic way.

“Whilst you might think you’re ‘in there’ and it’s a compliment, she’s just letting you know your place in the hierarchy”, explains Taylor.

Putting it bluntly to her 2.8 million followers, the vlogger said on boys who are called besties: “Sadly, in her mind, you’re just not quite making it to the potential boyfriend level.”

If you’re trusted to be the “shoulder to lean on”

In what initially sounds like a rather counterintuitive piece of advice, Taylor insists that being trusted as someone who can be figuratively leaned on for support may indicate that the person doing the leaning is not engaged with you romantically.

Explaining the logic behind her hot take, Taylor argues that if you are in the early “talking” stages with somebody and they are already willing to share or rant about details of their life that are frustrating them, they may be doing so simply because they know that you like them and will therefore reply to their messages.


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♬ original sound – Chloe Taylor

“She’s quite literally just keeping you there as a fallback, in case the others don’t reply. She doesn’t actually like you”, insists Taylor, rather menacingly.

It’s worth noting that Taylor is known for his often-abrasive, straight-to-the-point delivery and while you may not always agree with the influencer’s takes, she is generally commended for calling things exactly how she sees them.

If plans fail to materialize, cut it off – says Chloe Taylor

Finally, Taylor has advised her viewers to watch out for when plans with a potential suitor are often discussed but never seem to actually happen.

If you’ve noticed that you have tried to make plans with someone multiple times to no avail, it could be time to accept that they are not the one – argues Taylor.

“Very rarely will they actually tell you how it is” in a situation like this, says Taylor. “They don’t want to hurt your feelings or for you to feel rejected, which is often why you end up feeling led on – because you were.”

In her typical tongue-n-cheek fashion, Taylor signs off by saying if you recognize any of these themes from your dating life – you may be barking up the wrong tree. And, if you’re the person on the other side who isn’t being transparent with the people you’re speaking to and are leading people on, Taylor would “highly advise therapy.”