Reader’s letter: Parking laws discriminate against disabled

Recently, I had to go to the Post Office Newark. As I am disabled, with a current Blue Badge, as I have done in the past, I parked in Slaughter House Lane with my blue badge on display.

So, you can imagine my surprise when I noticed a traffic warden writing out a parking ticket.

I asked what was going on. He informed me that he been told that he had been told two weeks before to enforce the no parking rules and only allow for unloading .


I tried to get information out of the office in Nottingham who had ordered this change but to no avail.

So, I emailed my local councillor, Susan Saddington, who replied. I also emailed Councillor Keith Girling as the Armed Forces Champion — I am an Armed Forces disabled veteran — but to my surprise he passed me back to Susan .

This ruling affects all disabled people who want to use the Post Office services,

Because the nearest parking is either in Morrisons carpark, where you have to run the gauntlet of the busy concourse, or The Wharf carpark and cross the busy road — or, if you are in luck, find a disabled space on Middlegate.

If like me you cannot walk very far or quickly, it is struggle.

I am sure others are in the same situation so we have to speak out and let our councillors know what we think, because as it stands we are being discriminated against.

Our needs are not being recognised or even taken into consideration. — M. SMITH, via email.