Stonecross Freemasons in March hand over £600 cheque for defibrillators

A cheque has been handed over to a much-needed cause in March.

On Sunday at the St George's Festival, Clinton Elkin from Stonecross Freemasons in the town handed over a £600 cheque to Rob Skoulding for defibrillators in the area.

Half of the cheque amount came from the City & University of Cambridge Masonic Charitable Trust which match-funded Stonecross Freemasons donation.

From left Clinton Elkin from Stonecross Freemasons March and Rob Skoulding for defibrillators

The Freemasons wanted the money to go to the defibrillators as they said it was a worthy cause and they could make use of the money.

Clinton said: “I have seen all the work Rob’s done getting all the defibrators across town.”