Russia deliberately targets populated areas — Amnesty International

Russian shelling of Ukraine

The report assesses the situation in 155 countries and territories.

Agnes Callamard, the organization’s Secretary General, noted an "unprecedented" level of international order violations the organization recorded in 2023, according to the AP.

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AI also documented evidence that Russian forces, carried out "indiscriminate attacks on densely populated residential areas, leading to deaths, injuries among civilians, and destruction of infrastructure."

"In some cases, official Russian comments regarding the strikes indicate they were most likely deliberate," the report says.

Amnesty also noted that Russia attacks Ukraine’s energy infrastructure and facilities crucial for food exports.

The report pointed to torture and other forms of cruel treatment of Ukrainian prisoners of war by Russia.

"Russia has consistently denied humanitarian organizations access to Ukrainian prisoners of war in the Ukrainian territories it occupies," the document reads.

Finally, Amnesty said that Russian occupation authorities limit the rights and freedoms of civilians in occupied areas of Ukraine, coercing them to apply for Russian citizenship in exchange for access to basic services.

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Section: Nation

Author: Eric Malinowski