Makeup artist shares the biggest mistake people make that forces their makeup to separate

If you’ve ever been concerned about your makeup suddenly separates on your skin, then you’ll be pleased to know that it’s a relatively simple fix for most people.

There is nothing more frustrating than dedicating yourself to makeup for an hour, only for it to separate in the sun and leave you with less confidence than before. No amount of blending seems to fix it, and in a panic, you begin to lather more foundation on in the hopes it sorts itself out.

Copyright Shana Novak

Why your makeup separates on your skin

Earlier this month, makeup artist Lara (@lara.mgy) stitched a TikTok video from a woman asking why her makeup had separated on her face after just a few hours despite using primer, moisturizer, and setting spray.

“Today I want to share three tips for stopping your makeup from becoming cakey or dry,” she told her 11k followers.

Even before your makeup separates, Lara urged her followers to stay as hydrated as possible. This could mean keeping on top of your daily water or ensuring you’re using hydration skincare products. If you’re hydrated to the max and still wondering why your makeup has started to separate, then Lara said to pay special attention to the primer you’re using.

“If you have an oil-based primer then please make sure you’re using an oil-based makeup,” she explained. “If you have a water-based primer, use a water-based makeup. If you mix, for example, water-based primers with oil-based foundation, they are going to separate. Oil and water never stays together.”

Finally, Lara said that you’re application technique could also be counting against you before you’ve even left the house. Instead of swiping and dragging the product, make sure to tap and stipple it in.

Further tips were shared in the comments

Unfortunately, many of Lara’s followers said they were having consistent issues with their foundation coming away from the skin. Though some claimed to have switched up their routine, their makeup was still looking cakey after a day’s work.

“Everybody talks about using primer and foundation that are either oil or water-based. But how do I know that? What ingredients do I have to look for?” someone asked, to which Lara responded, “Put some of your foundations into a glass of water, mix it, and if it dissolves it’s water-based if not it oil-based. Hope this helps!”


A third said: “My makeup lasts so much longer with steps 2 and 3 I was shocked.”

Now you know why makeup separates, get out your products and work up the best glam you’ve ever created.