Not all draft updates lead to summon — General Staff

According to Yuriy Glushchenko, draft offices do not have the task of sending everyone who comes to verify their data to medical commission

“There is no such task," Glushchenko said.

"This decision is made by draft office based on updated information and tasks it faces."

Read also: PM Shmyhal announces ‘much softer’ approach and reduced conscription needs in Ukraine

A General Staff member further clarified that individuals updating their draft information through an electronic portal may be subject to a military qualification commission if summoned accordingly.

New mobilization bill will come into force on May 18.

Under the new bill, individuals are subject to mobilization only if they wish to be mobilized:

  • people with disabilities (for military service under a contract);
  • people released from captivity;
  • people under the age of 25, who have completed basic general military training or basic military service.

Discharged conscripts are transferred to mobilization resource in accordance with general rules (from age of 25). Basic military service begins on Sep. 1, 2025.

Read also: Zelenskyy signs bill lowering conscription age to 25 years

Registered citizens can voluntarily establish a personal electronic account as a conscript, person liable for military service or a reservist.

All citizens of Ukraine who are liable for military service, within 60 days of the law's entry into force, need to specify:

  • address of residence;
  • communication numbers;
  • e-mail addresses;
  • other personal data.

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Section: Nation

Author: Владислав Литнарович