Trump accused of being 'too weak' to go out and campaign by former GOP official

Donald Trump (Photo by Mandel Ngan for AFP)

Reacting to recent comments from Donald Trump that he may not accept the results of the 2024 presidential election if he loses to President Joe Biden, former RNC chair Michael Steele went on an extensive tirade on Saturday morning accusing the former president of weakness.

Steele, who now co-hosts MSNBC's "The Weekend," jumped on comments the former president made in an interview with Time, where he admitted when it comes to the election results, "... if we don’t win, you know, it depends. It always depends on the fairness of an election.”

That led Steele to tell the MSNBC panel, "Here's the problem: you have Donald Trump saying I will accept the results if they are honest. The process is an honest process, the results will be honest. The idea that you think of all the elections that we have had in the history of this country that your election is the least honest and the most corrupt, it just shows the fallacy of what the man is laying out there."

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"Donald Trump is afraid of losing because it strikes at the core of the thing that is most important to him, and that is his ego," he added. "And he doesn't want to do the work to actually win. He wants to goad and cajole and bully people into believing something about our system because he is too weak of a man to actually go out and campaign like any other normal candidate who would go out and campaign."

"That is your truth, Donald Trump," he continued while addressing the camera. "And what you are trying to do is game the system, as he did in 2016 and 2020, to say that, 'If I don't win, the system is corrupt.' No, Donald Trump, if you don't win it's because more people voted against you than for you and our electoral system confirms that."

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