Everton shareholders have just sent big message to Everton owners

Everton have endured a season dominated by off-pitch matters, leaving the players and the coaching staff consistently hamstrung.

Through no fault of his own, Sean Dyche has stumbled into one of the toughest jobs in world football, and thus far come out unscathed.

But his work is far from over, and with 777 Partners still lurking around the Toffees, safety is far from assured.

With claims of fraud and worries about their ever-worsening financial situation having intensified in the last few days, it does feel like we are reaching the dramatic conclusion of this woeful saga.

The pressure has only been ramped up further by the Everton shareholders.

Everton shareholders have finally snapped

Having published a letter to the Everton ownership earlier today, they have implored Farhad Moshiri and those employed by him to finally finish what has been dragged on for eight months now.

The Miami-based firm first struck a deal to buy the club in September, and since then have made almost no progress despite the Premier League‘s best efforts to force the move through.

They have offered them perfectly outlined conditions and all the time in the world, even letting them pump untold riches into the club to make them reliant on the debt they now owe back.

But still, no progress.

The Everton shareholders have had enough, with one highlight of their letter reading: ‘In the absence of the Premier League making a timely decision we insist that the Everton Board, and Farhad Moshiri in particular, stop this damaging process now and recognise that 777 Partners are not at this time fit-and-proper prospective owners of Everton Football Club.

‘The powers-that-be are being disrespectful to our fellow shareholders, our fantastic worldwide fan-base and football as a whole by continuing to allow this farce to continue.

‘We demand a decision, and we demand it now.’

A decision on 777 Partners’ takeover must be made

As the shareholders note, a decision needs to be made fast.

After all, it could completely transform how this upcoming summer plays out.

Should 777 get in charge, or the club be left without an owner to pump key funds in, it will likely be one filled with mass outgoings of key names.

However, should they finally be rejected and someone else comes in, with Qatari investment one source being touted, then it would likely be one of consolidation and rebuilding ahead of the stadium move.

Photo by Robbie Jay Barratt – AMA/Getty Images

This decision could drastically alter the future of this football club, and it cannot be allowed to drag on for any longer.