New study reveals Fenland as England's quitting capital with nearly 50 per cent being ex-smokers

A new study by online vape retailer Vape Globe reveals that Fenland is the country’s capital for quitting smoking.

The study shows that 41.6% of Fenland’s population are ex-smokers.

The study analysed 2022 data from the Office for National Statistics on the number of ex-smokers in UK local authorities.

Fenland has been named the capital for quitting smoking. Picture: istock

Researchers ranked each area based on the highest-to-lowest percentage of its population who have quit cigarettes.

Fenland has an estimated population of 42,741 ex-smokers, constituting 41.6% of its total population.

This statistic underlines Fenland’s determination to put its smoking days behind, also thanks to the support that is provided by national services and, most of all, local authorities.

A spokesperson for Vape Globe commented on the findings and said: “This data underscores how it’s important to not only have smoke-quitting programs at a national level but also locally, as people might be more incentivised in following them.

“Moreover, local authorities can demonstrate that targeted efforts can yield tangible results in reducing smoking rates and improving public health outcomes.

“The notable progress made by these communities serves as a beacon of hope for others, highlighting the potential for effective tobacco control measures to create healthier environments and empower individuals to live smoke-free lives.”

I went to Wisbech to see what the locals thought of the data.

Susan Field, 77, from Wisbech, thinks there is lots of help for people trying to quit smoking in the area if they look for it as she has seen support advertised.

She used to be a smoker herself until it started affecting her health about 20 years ago.

Susan said: “I used to say if smoking started to affect my health I would give it up and I did.”

However, she does not think there has been a drop in smoking in the area and thinks people are maybe trying to quit but there are still a high number of smokers about.

Meanwhile, Mr Stokes, 64, is now a non-smoker after giving it up about 20 years ago too.

He decided to give it up to have better health and due to cigarettes getting too expensive to buy.

Mr Stokes thinks there could be more done to help people quit.

He said: “There should be more sessions where people can go and be helped not to smoke. I wish people would not smoke at all.”

Cambridgeshire Council has said that there is support out there to encourage people to quit, including nicotine replacement therapy.

Wendy Chapman, 58, from Sutton Bridge, has been smoking since the age of 14 and wanted to quit 10 years ago when she had a stroke, but did not due to the stress of both her parents dying of cancer and having to be their carer.

She does not think there is enough support in the area to help those who want to quit smoking.

Wendy said: “People don’t understand that it's alright being a smoker but when you are a big person like myself, when you quit like I tried because the main artery in my neck went when I had the stroke, you put on so much weight and the GPs don't seem to think about when you start becoming obese.”

She has tried numerous times to give it up, she has even tried vaping but finds it hard because support is not given for free.

She added: “You have to pay for it and everything is so high at the moment, so everyone carries on doing what they do.

“I have been to smoke clinics but they don't understand, there are all the methods they can give you, I just think there should be a bit more for us all.

A spokesperson for Cambridgeshire County Council said: “Cambridgeshire County Council commissions Smoking Cessation Support through GPs and also through our lifestyle service, ‘Healthy You’.

“Healthy You provides structured behavioural support alongside Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) or a free vape starter kit (for over 18’s) through the national Swap to Stop scheme.”

The Swap to Stop scheme supports adult smokers to quit their cigarettes with a free vape starter kit as part of a twelve-week programme of support.

Adult smokers signing up to the programme can also benefit from other smoking treatments such as NRT to help manage their cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

Healthy You provides support in person at GP clinics and other community venues, over the phone and virtually.

Smokers can also access the Smoke Free App which allows you to:

\- Get 24/7 support from expert Stop Smoking Advisors

\- Track your progress

\- See how much you’re saving

\- Chat with other quitters

Individuals can also receive support from their GP with access to Nicotine Replacement Therapy.