Meat you at the finish: Butchers slice up marathon course

Two friends are fresh from taking on their first marathon – just one year after taking up running.

Adam Oldfield, 38, and Callum Thompson-Browne, 19, who both work for butchers D A Browne and Son in Harleston, completed a 26.2-mile course around Cromer at the end of April.

“It was just me and Callum looking for a challenge,” said Mr Oldfield.

Callum Thompson-Browne and Adam Oldfield.

“We started running about a year ago and decided a marathon would be the perfect challenge. We trained with three times a week in the lead up to it, and really enjoyed the run.

“I’d definitely like to do more and I’ve already put in an application for the ballot for the London Marathon, which would be quite an experience.

“We both hit our targets for the Norfolk Marathon, and managed to beat the four-hour mark.

“I finished in three hours, 51 minutes and five seconds, while Callum was a bit quicker at three hours, 47 minutes and 52 seconds ... but he is a bit younger than me.”

More than 1,000 runners took to the course for what was the first Norfolk Marathon, setting off from Cliff Avenue and heading out towards North Walsham before circling back to finish near Cromer Pier.