It’s swarming season - who you gonna call? Newbury Beekeepers Association!

NEWBURY Beekeepers Association has launched a free Swarm Line service.

For the next couple of months, it is swarming season for honey bees.

Swarm Line

The association is launching the project as a free public service.

Association treasurer Ben Tichband said: “It’s so that people can report honey bee swarms to us.

“We will collect them and rehome them to a beekeeper in the area to look after.”

In Newbury, Thatcham and surrounding villages the Newbury beekeepers has a team of volunteers to man the swarm line.

They are all experienced and insured beekeepers who will come and collect swarms which will be rehomed to members of the Newbury Beekeepers Association.

Mr Tichband added: “This is a free service - although donations to the association are welcome.

“Our swarm phone has already started buzzing with the pick up in temperature.

“To report a swarm give us a call on 07555 180260.”

For more information on the association visit the Facebook page here: