Dear Annie: My co-worker won’t stop talking to me. What should I do?

'Dear Annie' columnist Annie Lane

DEAR ANNIE: I have a younger co-worker who I met at a work social event, and we started talking a bit about novels we are writing as a hobby. A few weeks later, he came by my cubicle to ask me more about writing, so I gave him a few resources to a local writers group. Ever since then, he keeps stopping by, often interrupting my lunchtime.

It’s clear that he never has a specific question for me and will grasp at straws or ask awkward questions just to keep conversation going beyond a normal or considerate time. I don’t mind occasionally chatting, but these constant interruptions when I am busy or trying to take a break are grating on me. I have tried redirecting him or just telling him I am busy, but now he is asking to get together outside of work to talk about our books.

I have no interest in this, and he clearly is not getting the message. I’m finding myself getting anxious over the looming potential of these random, unwanted visits. What should I do? I’m pretty sure he’s harmless, but is it too overboard to go to HR? -- Unwanted Visits from Co-Worker

DEAR UNWANTED: You mentioned that he is young. Maybe this is his first job and he is treating it more like he is still in college. You could try being direct and telling him you don’t want to get together outside of work and that it’s really difficult to continue your work when he keeps interrupting you. Be clear and kind. If you don’t want to do that, you don’t have to, and going to HR does make sense, especially if he is making you anxious. It really depends on what path will make your work environment best for working.

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