'Terrible strategy': Trump aide says ex-president's debate plan is set to hand Biden a win

Donald Trump/Joe Biden -- AFP/Biden Facebook page

Former Trump White House official Alyssa Farah Griffin thinks her erstwhile boss is making a catastrophic mistake in the run-up to the newly scheduled presidential debates — and one that he's made on previous occasions.

Specifically, she argued in a panel on CNN, he's lowering the bar all the way to the floor for President Joe Biden, and making it easy for Biden to prove him wrong and exceed it.

"Trump is setting very low expectations right now for President Biden's performance, posting today that Biden, quote, 'can't put two sentences together,'" said anchor Wolf Blitzer. "You think that's going to backfire on him?"

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"Yes," said Griffin. "That's a terrible strategy, and it's only a matter of time between before [Trump campaign strategists] Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita haven't walked that back."

"Listen, this is what they did ahead of the State of the Union," said Griffin. "Donald Trump's campaign essentially said, if he doesn't keel over at the podium, that was the bar that they set. And so Joe Biden outperformed expectations and got a bump after the State of the Union."

"I want to mention one thing," she added. "There's this notion out there that presidential debates don't really matter. They don't historically move the needle. And I would say that's not the case for this one. It's because this is not a debate for the locked-in partisans whose minds are made up about these two men. It is for those sort of double-haters, those swing voters who aren't necessarily happy with either candidate. But we know are going to decide this election, seeing the candidates earlier, go head-to-head, I think is incredibly important. I think it's good for democracy. And I think it's an open question over who it benefits ... [Biden is] good when he's not in front of a big audience. Donald Trump loves a big audience, but at the same time, Donald Trump actually might be a bit more scaled back in a more intimate setting. So a very, very important development."

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Alyssa Farah Griffin says Trump has a "terrible strategy" for the debates www.youtube.com

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