‘I only know’: Simon Jordan has theory over why Farhad Moshiri isn't saving Everton with his own money

Everton’s protracted takeover saga is one of the most exhausting in the club’s history, and could yet prove to be the most damaging too.

And at the forefront of this tragic situation is Farhad Moshiri, who has first driven the club into a state of dire disrepair, and now has the gall to refuse to sell to anyone but 777 Partners, inexplicably.

The Miami-based firm have proven themselves to be unfit to assume control, yet they remain frontrunners.

It is a sad situation which begs the question: why does Moshiri keep accepting loans from a group that clearly cannot afford to take over the club?

Simon Jordan makes Farhad Moshiri claim

Speaking live on talkSPORT just yesterday, Simon Jordan has posited his theory about Moshiri’s motives behind desperately pushing for a 777 Partners sale.

Many have scrutinised not just the manner of the deal, but the longevity of the process which has spanned nearly nine months now.

It has baffled fans and pundits alike, but not Jordan, who noted: ‘Could he [finance the club himself]? The question is, could he? People’s financial circumstances change. The appetite changes.

‘If you’ve lost £750m in a football club I think your appetite is going to be very limited to keep throwing any more money at it, so what you want to do is shift the cashflow obligations onto somebody else and find a way to fund the football club in a different methodology.

‘He may well be asset-rich at this time and cash-poor. He might have loads of assets that he doesn’t want to liquidate those assets into cash to be able to fund a football club that he’s already exhausted £750m.

‘I don’t know the state of his finances. I don’t know how instrumental people like Usmanov have been in this situation. I don’t know whose money this is. I only know what people tell me.

‘The bottom line is: he doesn’t want to fund this football club. And the question is does he not want to because he can’t, or does he not want to because he won’t?’

Farhad Moshiri needs to sell Everton

It is not a groundbreaking claim, but this is simply the end of the road for Moshiri, and everyone knows it.

That is likely why 777 Partners have sought to prey on his disinterest and desperation to sell, and also would explain why he continues to accept loans upon loans.

As Jordan notes, he is seeking to push the financial burden of the club onto the next owner whilst keeping it alive so he can still make some kind of return on a sale. After all, were he to stop accumulating such debt and refuse to fund the club himself, administration would loom, and he would depart with nothing.

Photo by Alex Livesey/Getty Images

For both his and the club’s sake, the Iranian billionaire has to cut his losses and sell, but crucially, to someone who actually has the necessary funds to first buy, and then sustain the Toffees in the long-term future.