What it felt like at electric Celtic Park last night as Brendan Rodgers brought the champions home

Celtic have won the Scottish Premiership title once again following a brilliant 5-0 victory at Kilmarnock to secure number 54.

Once the dust settles at the end of the season, there will be time to reflect on what has to go down as a momentous achievement from Brendan Rodgers and his players. They have had to fend off a prolonged challenge from Rangers, external pressure, and doubts over their collective capability from certain circles.

Last night, Celtic left everyone in no doubt that they are the best team in the country by a distance as they thrashed Kilmarnock 5-0, cutting open one of the Scottish Premiership’s better sides time and time again to burst past the final hurdle in typically elegant style.

Adam Idah, Daizen Maeda, James Forrest, and Matt O’Riley’s double completed a rout in Ayrshire before brilliant scenes commenced at full-time, as the players, manager and supporters engaged in singing and dancing on the pitch.

Following further celebrations in the away dressing room, Celtic travelled back to Parkhead, where they were met by a sea of fireworks, chanting, and an all-round party atmosphere from fans welcoming their heroes back to Glasgow’s east end.

Celtic Park in electric form last night to welcome the champions

Congregating at Celtic Park has become commonplace for supporters to show their appreciation after the Bhoys have been crowned champions, which they have been fortunate enough to witness on 12 of the last 13 occasions.

Truthfully, the celebrations never get boring, with pyro, fireworks, flags, banners and everything else in between helping to maximise what has become one of the most special occasions of the year for the Celtic following, provided the club claims silverware.

Recently, there has been a different feeling inside the air at the stadium, one of unity and a collective realisation that our role in the stands is to do everything we can to push the team over the line.

Photo by Steve Welsh/Getty Images

Yesterday evening was no different at Parkhead; however, any lingering pressure on the team has been relieved, allowing everyone to revel in the moment late into the night despite many, myself included, having to set alarms to work the next day.

Jubilation, relief, ecstasy, and a sense of beaming pride were all on show, creating a harmonious yet noisy environment that was amplified tenfold when the likes of Callum McGregor, Joe Hart and James Forrest took to the podium.

Of course, Rodgers stepped up to the loudest cheer of the night and spoke about delivering on his promise to bring the Scottish Premiership title home. Notably, he also thanked his players, staff, and everyone else who put in the hard yards when, at times, others wrote them off.

The Irishman was the recipient of richly deserved adulation last night, hearing his name sung proudly by the entirety of the away support in Ayrshire, which was a telling moment in itself.

On Saturday, there will be plenty more festive scenes after facing St Mirren. Celtic are going to lift the league trophy at long last, and they have earned every bit of their success.