Real life ‘Baby Reindeer’ stalker, Lisa Monaghan from Thatcham warned: ‘You will never be free of this’

A NIGHTMARE stalker blackmailed her victim into handing over £38,000.

In a real life version of the Netflix drama, Baby Reindeer, in which a stalker sends her victim thousands of messages, Thatcham mother Lisa Monaghan made her victim’s life a living hell.

After exchanging explicit photos, Monaghan threatened to ruin Damien Pool’s life if he didn’t continue the relationship.

In just one of tens of thousands of emails, she gave him three options:

* agree to unlimited phone conversations with her

* pay her £15,000

* have his life ruined

Mr Pool paid up.

But even that did not end his ordeal, Reading Crown Court heard on Thursday, May 16.

Thirty-four-year-old Monaghan, of Nideggen Close, threatened to go to the press with lurid allegations against Mr Pool if he did not continue to obey her commands.

She warned him: “Any engagement, wedding or kids - I will know.

“You will never be free of this.”

Despite never having met his online tormenter, Mr Pool said Monaghan appeared to know details of his whereabouts and made false allegations, leading him to install CCTV cameras inside his home.

Rhiannon Sadler, prosecuting, said the pair had begun an online relationship which involved sending sexually explicit images to each other.

But when Mr Pool tried to end it, Monaghan began demanding cash, at one point falsely promising: “So pay me £10,000 and I’m gone for good.; no more money ever, no threats, no contact.”

Mr Pool paid money, the court heard - but Monaghan then threatened to tell his new partner about their relationship and to “expose” him at work.

She warned: “If you go to the police I will take this to the papers.

“One day I will turn up - you won’t know when.

“It could be next week, it could be next year…she deserves to know what you’re like; I will show your girlfriend everything…watch outside.”

In a victim impact statement Mr Pool said he had moved house out of fear and installed CCTV in his home because of allegations Monaghan tried to make against him following her arrest.

Monaghan admitted stalking by sending threatening communications and demands January 1, 2016 and January 31, 2020.

She denied a charge of blackmail and this was not proceeded with.

David Dainty, defending, pointed out his client had no previous convictions and cared for a son with special needs.

He said: “Whatever her flaws she has been a determined and supportive mother.”

He said that, if she was jailed it would “have a catastrophic impact on him.”

Mr Dainty opposed any compensation for Mr Pool, pointed out out that Monaghan had not been convicted of blackmail and was of limited means.

Judge Kirsty Real told Monaghan that, in her own words, she had wanted to “break” her victim and to ruin his life.

She said the case was “really rather sinister” and “motivated by jealousy and greed.”

She acknowledged Monaghan’s role in caring for her son and said she was not going to prison.

Instead Monaghan was sentenced to 21 months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months.

No order was made for costs or compensation.

Monaghan was made subject to a 10 year restraining order preventing her from contacting her victim again, either directly or indirectly.