The anti-breakout facemask that models swear by is just 2 ingredients

A model shared industry secrets on social media, letting her followers into a little-known facemask secret involving just two household ingredients.

Providing you are wearing them correctly, facemasks and sheet masks are a great way to infuse your skin with your favorite serums, ointments, and potions. Given how overwhelmingly expensive makeup and skincare are, it’s only natural you might want to use ingredients already present in your food cupboards.

Copyright © Jonathan Knowles 2017

What’s in the facemask the model swears by?

Jaime Nicole (@jjjaimenicole)) is a fashion model and influencer with over 300k followers on TikTok and a further 165k on Instagram. On her account, she usually posts content about skincare and beauty while also revealing how to incorporate kitchen ingredients into your routines.

Earlier this week, Jaime revealed a facemask recipe she had learned from industry professionals while studying in model school. She claimed it was perfect to address issues with hormonal and active acne.

“You’re going to take half a cup of oats and blend them,” she told her followers. “I like to blend them to make it more a gentle exfoliant, and then you’re going to combine that with manuka honey, however much you prefer for the desired texture on your skin.”

The model continued to explain that the oats in the facemask can absorb the excess oils produced from hormonal acne. You could expect similar results if your skin is naturally more oily than dry.

Honey is also renowned as a powerful health ingredient because of its natural anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. This helps to treat the acne on your face and “prevent future breakouts”, the model said.

Oh honey, this facemask is good

Credit: Unsplash/engin akyurt

Lots of Jaime’s followers reported similar results after using honey for skincare purposes, so naturally, they were excited to try the model’s oat-based facemask.

One person said: “Bruh manuka honey literally saved me when I got cystic pimples all over my face one time. It’s anti-fungal and antibacterial.”

“Does it have to be that specific kind of honey?” another person asked, and Jaime responded, “All honey has healing benefits, manuka honey is the most potent.”

Another person wrote: “Manuka honey is also great for cold sores!”