‘Viable’: Newcastle could sign £15m player as a short-term solution this summer – journalist

Newcastle United may need a new striker this summer.

Callum Wilson has been tipped to leave St James’ Park in the upcoming transfer window, and even if he does stay, his injury issues remain an issue.

Simply put, the Magpies could do with a new centre-forward through the door.

Speaking on his YouTube channel, Craig Hope has been discussing who Newcastle could sign this summer, and he’s named Serhou Guirassy as a player the Tyneside club could go for, claiming that he’s viable as a stop-gap option.

Photo by Sebastian El-Saqqa – firo sportphoto/Getty Images

Serhou Guirassy could be a Newcastle option

Hope shared what he knows about the £15m striker and Newcastle’s summer plans.

“Two players I know they’ve watched over the past 12/18 months. We will start with the older of the two options, Serhou Guirassy,” Hope said.

“28 years old he’s had a nomadic career, but his numbers this season are incredible. Why does he make sense? It comes back to the point Eddie made about the budget, Guirassy has a release clause in the region of 15-20 million pounds. It would almost be seen as a stop-gap in terms of the longer-term development of the club. “

“Scouts have been out to Germany to see him play. I think he might be that viable type of option.”

Serhou Guirassy a great option

This could be a fantastic signing from Newcastle.

With a release clause of just £15m, Guirassy wouldn’t cost the earth, and his form this season has been exceptional.

Yes, he’s not a long-term option in the same way someone like Benjamin Sesko would be, but as a Wilson replacement to keep Newcastle ticking over for the next two or three years, he’d be a smart pick up.

Of course, other teams will be keen on Guirassy at this sort of price, but with Newcastle’s financial might and ambition, they may be able to win the race for the Stuttgart striker.