Cambridge sex offender failed to learn lesson ​

A sex offender who was spared jail after being caught with indecent images of children is now behind bars after failing to learn his lesson.

Richard Hooper, of William Smith Close, Cambridge, was convicted in 2022 of making indecent images of children and handed a one-year prison sentence, which was suspended for two years.

Richard Hooper was sentenced at Peterborough Crown Court on 16 May 2024

The 63-year-old was placed on the Sex Offenders Register and monitored by the force’s management of sexual or violent offender (MOSOVO) team.

MOSOVO officers visited Hooper’s home in April of that year, where he admitted he had been looking at sexual material involving young girls for the past two decades.

In a visit later that year, Hooper had his Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO), imposed on his conviction, explained to him in detail.

Police continued to visit Hooper and, in a visit in May 2023, checked his digital devices and later seized them after suspicions were raised.

The devices included not only a laptop and two tablets, but hidden CDs and DVDs eventually handed over by Hooper after being heavily prompted.

The CDs and DVDs were found to contain 488 category C images, five category B images and three category A images – the most severe.

In voluntary interview, Hooper admitted possessing the indecent images and breaching his SHPO by failing to produce all digital/storage devices for examination by officers on two visits following his conviction.

Hooper admitted three counts of making indecent images of children and two counts of breaching a SHPO.

He was sentenced at Peterborough Crown Court on Thursday (16 May) where he was handed one year and six months in prison.

Hooper was also ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for a decade and a new SHPO was made for the same timeframe, to monitor any future offending.

DC Andrew McKeane said: “Our main aim in the MOSOVO team is to protect vulnerable children, whether in the real world or online.

“Cases such as these help to highlight that work, which most of the time goes on behind the scenes. A child is victimised when an indecent image is taken and every time it is viewed or shared.

“Hooper’s offending shows he has failed to heed the previous warning when he was handed a suspended sentence for similar offending.

“He did all he could to hide the indecent images from officers, but I hope he now reflects on his actions and he will continue to be monitored by the team on his release from prison.”